Thursday, July 23, 2009

Hi all. Big changes in my life. I no longer work for Beverly's Crafts. After 15 years they let me go. One door has closed, and another will soon open. I can't wait to see what Heavenly Father has in store for me.

I will definitely enjoy my time off to complete projects at home and work on a fabric line I've been thinking about for awhile. All will be well.

Girls camp is just around the corner. I will have so much fun at camp this year. I love being outdoors. Singing, laughing and bonding with nature and great friends. Don't worry, be happy!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Camp is just around the corner

I'm so excited! Soon I will be going to YW Camp for our church. I will be working with the girls in crafts. The perfect place for me. The theme this year is "Live Like You Believe". There is something special about being in the mountains away from phones, work, tv etc. that allows you to become centered with an eternal perspective. I appreciate the beauty of the creation and the modern conviences I have when I get home!
I'm grateful to my parents for teaching me of the outdoors. Allowing me to explore. Educating me in the world of animals, reptiles and insects. Fearless I am not, but comfortable around most creatures and thank goodness I know when to back away slowly, (you know like with big hairy animals or long slithering snakes). Here are a few pictures of past camping years.